Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Wee little dresses

So, this weekend I went down to visit my family with the purpose of getting some sewing instruction from my momma so I could make dresses for our impending arrival. I am pretty proud of myself, 3 dresses in 3 days, and on my first attempt at making anything with a pattern. Here are my finished items!

This is the first one I made. My Momma hovered around and told me what to do and how to do it. But I made it all myself. Except the button holes, my machine went all wonky when we tried to do them so Momma just made them on hers.

This was the second one I made all by myself while momma was at work. Since our nursery is done in "Classic Pooh" I wanted her to have a some "Pooh Bear bees!" Again, the buttonholes were made by my momma and cut by me.

Last one, and this one is a medium instead of newborn size. I wanted her to be able to wear it on our family beach trip this summer so I tried to estimate where she might be at around 6 months. I had a tiny bit more help with this one. In addition to the buttonholes, momma sewed on the rickrack. It was so small and I was so tired and not feeling very confidant in my ability to stay on such a tiny line.

All in all I am VERY happy with how each dress turned out. Not bad for my very first time I thought. And, I now feel like I could easily make one at my own house without the emergency back up available! Maybe there will be more sewing in my future....

1 comment:

Kacey said...

So pretty! I can't wait to see Delaney in all of her "pretty dresses" as Ruby Jane would say. ;D And they are very pretty. Great job!